Thursday, December 5, 2013


Were it not for Johnny Clegg in my teen ears, I'd have known precious little about Mandela.

Or at least, what I learned in High School would not have stuck.

So now, I share with you what I know.

Asimbonanga--------------------(we have not seen him)
Asimbonang' umandela thina-----(we have not seen mandela)
Laph'ekhona--------------------(in the place where he is)
Laph'ehleli khona-------------(in the place where he is kept)

And may the music and dancing lighten your heart.
And may the light in our hearts guide all of our great ones to the next place.
And may we all be lucky enough to achieve a life of triumph over darkness, kindness over wickedness, and sweetness over hatred.
And if it takes us ten years or ninety five years, may we find our own goodness before the waters are crossed.

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